Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Will It Blend? | The Genius Marketing Idea Behind Blendtec Blenders

Before you watch the following video, I need to let you know that before I watched it, my favorite blender on the market was called a Vitamix. After this video, I changed my mind. I want you to think of your favorite blender brand now, and at the end of the video, see if your answer is still the same.


Yesterday, I was hanging out with some friends and we were watching funny videos online.
One of my friends pulled this video up and we laughed at it. The man speaks in a funny and entertaining way, and the video itself is nothing short of awesome!

The iPhone is pulverized to dust by the blender.

By the end of the video, I personally couldn't help but think: wow, what kind of blender is THAT?

And just like that, they hooked me and now I know the only blender I've seen so powerful it can blend an iPhone, is called the Blendtec.

And their marketing team is incredible.

Their technique is short, sweet and effective.

On YouTube, Blendtec creates a free account where they upload content.
Today, you watched their video. Well, you and over 5 million others.

For each view, not only does Blendtec make earnings from YouTube alone, they get advertising!

The special thing about their technique, in my opinion, is that at the end of their ads, users dont feel cheated. Usually at the end of commercials, you're aware it's a commercial the entire time and at the end you understand their selling point.

However, as unlikely a combination as it is, the Blendtec sells itself while entertaining viewers.

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